Monday 1 February 2016

Can you guess the number? Its a 5 digit number where… 1st digit denotes how many zeroes are there in the number

Its a 5 digit number where…

1st digit denotes how many zeroes are there in the number

2nd digit denotes how many ones are there in the number

3rd digit denotes how many twos are there in the number

4th digit denotes how many threes are there in the number

5th digit denotes how many fours are there in the number

Can you guess the number?

Lets say there are 4 0’s, so number should be 40000, but this violates that 5th digit tells how many 4’s are there.
Now lets say there 3 0’s then number can be 30010, but thus also violates, 2nd digit tells number of 1’s
Now if there are 2 0’s then 21200 satisfies all the conditions.

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