Wednesday 24 February 2016

Saturday 20 February 2016

These seemingly "nonsense" words have pairs of opposites in them. For example: lshoorntg would be "Long /Short" (LshOorNtG).

These seemingly "nonsense" words have pairs of opposites in them.

For example:
lshoorntg would be "Long /Short" (LshOorNtG).
If you've noticed, the letters in the words are always in the same order.
Get the idea? Great!
Now try these!

1) Wfateirer
2) Grsokuynd
3) Rpoiocrh
4) Frbeoiezle
5) Ppenecinl
6) Wmaomnan
7) Ldaigrhkt
8) Ounvderer
9) Cdilreatny
10) Riwrgohngt

Solve this: A man locked his personal computer with a password

Solve this: A man locked his personal computer with a password and wrote some phrases in the hint box. One day his wife tries to login in his absence using the hints which contained following:

4 grapes 1 apple 7 bananas 7 mangoes 2 pineapples 1 orange 8 pomegranates

What is the password?

How many runs a single player can score in One day match (50 overs/ 300 balls)... No 'no balls', no wides, no extras, no over throws. So how much runs he can score max?

How many runs a single player can score in One day match (50 overs/ 300 balls)...
No 'no balls', no wides, no extras, no over throws.
So how much runs he can score max?

A man starts from home with some money. He goes to 4 temples. How much money did he had when he started from home?

एक आदमी घर से कुछ धन (रूपये पैसे ) ले कर चला...
वह 4 मंदिरों में जाता है !
पहले मंदिर में प्रवेश करते ही,उस का धन दोगुना हो जाता है...
तो, वह 16 रूपए मंदिर में चढ़ा देता है !
दुसरे मंदिर में प्रवेश करते ही,
उसका शेष धन फिर दोगुना हो जाता है...
तो, वह 16 रूपए दुसरे मंदिर में चढ़ा देता है !
तीसरे मंदिर में प्रवेश करते ही...
उसका शेष धन फिर दोगुना हो जाता है...
तो, वह 16 रूपए तीसरे मंदिर में चढ़ा देता है !
चौथे मंदिर में प्रवेश करते ही...
उसका शेष धन फिर दोगुना हो जाता है...
तो, वह 16 रूपए चौथे मंदिर में चढ़ा देता है...
और, खाली हाथ हो जाता है !!
तो अब आप बताये :-
वह घर से कितना धन ले कर चला था ???

In English :: 
A man starts from home with some money. He goes to 4 temples.

- On entering the first temple his money doubles.He donates $16 and moves to next temple.

- On entering the second temple his money again doubles.He donates $16 and moves to next temple.

- On entering the third temple his money again doubles.He donates $16 and moves to next temple.

- On entering the fourth temple his money again doubles.He donates $16 and has no more money left.

How much money did he had when he started from home?

what come first into the world , the egg or the chicken ? What did Birbal say?

One fine day, an intellectual man came to the emperor'€™s court with the aim of testing Birbal's wittiness. In order to do this, he challenged Birbal to answer his question and hence prove that he was as intelligent and witty as he was said to be.
He asked Birbal, Do you want me to ask one difficult question or a hundred easy ones?
Since both Akbar and Birbal had had a tough day and were eager to leave, Birbal hastily told the intellectual to ask him a single difficult question.
Intellectual: OK. Tell me what came first into the world, the egg or the chicken?
Of course, the chicken, Birbal replied with a smile.
This time with a note of victory in his voice, the intellectual asked Birbal, How will you demonstrate that?
What did Birbal say?

Ye Ek Ladki ka pura naam hai

Mathew works in a vegetable store What does he weigh?...... (It is not easy & requires uncommon quality ....lot of common sense)

IAS exam question :
Mathew works in a vegetable store
The shop address is :-
13, Victory Lane, Calcutta.
He is  obese.
His height is 5ft 3 inch only.
His waist is 44 inches.
He wears shoes size 8.
What does he weigh?......
(It is not easy & requires uncommon quality ....lot of common sense)

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Answer these questions, though it may look silly.

Answer these questions, though it may look silly.

1. Your father and your mother had a child, it is not your brother and it is not your sister who is the child?

2. You are dreaming that you are on a tree and on that tree there is a big snake, under the tree there is a big river, and inside that river there is a crocodile, whale, shark etc.... What will you do to escape?

How Long did it take you to notice what's wrong here ???

aapko batana hai Uss Aadmi ne shart kaise jeeti ???

�� एक लड़का मेले में एक स्टाल के पास गया �� और वहां पे खड़े आदमी �� ने शर्त लगाई कि “अगर मैं तुम्हारा एकदम सही वजन इस पेपर पे लिख दूं तो तुम मुझे ₹50 �� देना लेकिन मैं नहीं लिख पाया तो मैं तुम्हे ₹50 दूंगा” ��

उस लड़के ने आस पास देखो �� तो कुछ भी तौलने का सामान �� नहीं था। उसने हाँ कर दिया ये सोच कर कि कुछ भी लिखेगा उससे मेरा वजन कम या ज्यादा बता दूंगा ��

अंत में लड़के को ₹50 देने पड़े।

आप को बताना है की उस आदमी ने शर्त कैसे जीता  ��

Its challenge for all (99% person give wrong answer �� Kitne Jaanwar Taalab Ki aur Ja Rahe The तालाब की ओर जाते हुए भालू को 6 हाथी दिखे।

Its challenge  for all (99% person give wrong answer ��
तालाब की ओर जाते हुए भालू को
6 हाथी दिखे।
हर हाथी की पीठ पर 2 बन्दर थे।
और हर बन्दर के हाथ में 1 तोता था।
तो बताओ कुल कितने जानवर तालाब की ओर जा रहे थे?

Valentine's Day special quiz : Guess the words 1. VELO 2. RHEAT 3. MOANECR

Valentine's Day special quiz : Guess the words


Solve this! . A boy forgot his pin-code which was of 5 digits, but luckily he remembered some hints how to 2 remind that password,

Solve this!
A boy forgot his pin-code which was of 5 digits,
but luckily he remembered some hints how to 2 remind that password,
Here are those clues.
1. first digit is equal to the square of second digit
2. second plus 3rd digit are equal to 10
3. 4th digit equal to the 2nd digit plus 1
4. 5th plus 3rd digit make 14
5. sum of all the five digit make 30.
Find the pin code Lets see how is your math...???

Genius Minds Wake Up !!!! Answer this Question Correctly (#Brain Challenging#) (-: The Post is your's :-) 1,1,2,3,8,? What replaces the Question Mark "?".....

Genius Minds Wake Up !!!!
Answer this Question Correctly (#Brain Challenging#)
(-: The Post is your's :-)
What replaces the Question Mark "?"......

Thursday 11 February 2016

How many animals goes to lake side? Genius can solve this problems ???तलावाच्या दिशेला जाताना अस्वलाला ६ हत्ती दिसले तर किती प्राणी तलावाच्या दिशेने जात होते .....??

तलावाच्या दिशेला जाताना अस्वलाला ६ हत्ती दिसले
प्रत्येक हत्ती च्या पाठीवर २ माकडे होती आणि माकडांच्या हाती १ पोपट होता... 
तर किती प्राणी तलावाच्या दिशेने जात होते .....??

If, 5 + 5 + 6 = 253013 then, 9 + 4 + 7 = ? Only Genius can solve This

5 + 5 + 6 = 253013
3 + 5 + 6 = 151809
5 + 5 + 3 = 251510
5 + 6 + 7 = 303513
9 + 4 + 7 = ?
Only Genius can solve This

Friday 5 February 2016

Tell me any 1000 words that cannot contain the letter ‘A’….. In 5 seconds…..:

Tell Me If u r the Genius of Whatsapp

Tell me any 1000 words that cannot contain the letter ‘A’…..
In 5 seconds…..:

Could you make a sentence which contains all the alphabets If you make a sentence you will be professional

Could you make a sentence which contains all the alphabets

If you make a sentence you will be professional

Solve it 5 + 3 + 2 = 151012 9 + 2 + 4 = 183662 8 + 6 + 3 = 482466 5 + 4 + 5 = 202504 अब 7 + 2 + 5 =? UPSC के परिक्षा मे संपूर्ण भारत मे शिर्फ 2% ने उत्तर दीया *Answer and Logic*

Solve it
5 + 3 + 2 = 151012
9 + 2 + 4 = 183662
8 + 6 + 3 = 482466
5 + 4 + 5 = 202504
अब 7 + 2 + 5 =?
UPSC के परिक्षा मे  संपूर्ण भारत मे शिर्फ 2% ने उत्तर दीया
*Answer and Logic*

Monday 1 February 2016

There are nine children in the house, and only them in the house so What H is doing?

There are nine children in the house, and only them in the house so
A is ironing
B is watching tv
C is cooking
D is playing chess
E is bathing
F is listening radio
G is sleeping
I is dressing

What H is doing?

6 teacher and thief puzzle.

While going to School
One thief steals a chain

Telugu teacher
Donga Donga,

Eng teacher
Thief thief,

Hindi teacher
Chor chor,

S.S teacher
Samaj gataka,

Maths teacher
420 420,

What ‘Science’ teacher screams

Scratch your brain.. and write your answer in comments

Can you guess the number? Its a 5 digit number where… 1st digit denotes how many zeroes are there in the number

Its a 5 digit number where…

1st digit denotes how many zeroes are there in the number

2nd digit denotes how many ones are there in the number

3rd digit denotes how many twos are there in the number

4th digit denotes how many threes are there in the number

5th digit denotes how many fours are there in the number

Can you guess the number?

How did he die?

No widows, nothing and a man
is hung from the ceiling and a
puddle of water is on the floor.
How did he die?

Mumbai Local Train Puzzle I visit my mother or mother in law daily

I visit my mother or mother in law daily
mother lives at Churchgate station and mother in law lives at Borivli station
I live some station in between When i reach station I get into first available train
Even though there are regular trains to and from for Borivli and Churchgate every 4 minutes i find my self visiting my mother in law three times more than my mother

how is it possible ?

Paheli time Ladki ke paas wo konsi cheez hai jo Uske paas shaadi se pahle bhi hoti, . Aur Shadi k baad bhi, Par Shadi wale Din Nhi hotii ?? Answer Fast…?? :))

Paheli time
Ladki ke paas wo konsi cheez hai jo Uske paas shaadi se pahle bhi hoti,
Aur Shadi k baad bhi,
Par Shadi wale Din Nhi hotii ??
Answer Fast…?? :))

Guess the full Name of Girl हे एका मुलीचे संपूर्ण नाव आहे… विचार करा…. बघू कोण लवकर उत्तर सांगतो..

Solve this:A man locked his personal computer with a password and wrote some phrases in the hint box What is the password?

Solve this: 

A man locked his personal computer with a password and wrote some phrases in the hint box. One day his wife tries to login in his absence using the hints which contained following:
4 grapes 1 apple 7 bananas 7 mangoes 2 pineapples 1 orange 8 pomegranates

What is the password?